Christian Therapy

Life Model Works

Increasing Effectiveness in Counseling with Michel Hendricks and Jim Wilder

November 17th Session Details

Neurotheology and Ten Essentials of Therapy They Did Not Tell Us in Graduate School



Neurotheology and Ten Essentials of Therapy They Did Not Tell Us in Graduate School:

  • Integrating faith into living with a brain and nervous system is something that has generally been missing from the graduate education of most therapists. Yet at the center of both faith and neurology stands the question of how human beings should be shaped and what a proper operation of body and soul would produce.
  • How does this process of brain skill training 1) impact the training of young therapists and their capacities and 2) provide a framework for the therapeutic tasks that clinicians face?

Who Should Attend

All professionals who counsel, including psychiatrists, psychologists, family physicians, social workers, psychiatric nurses, counselors, pastors and clergy, and students training in these professions

Learning Objectives

Participants will:
  1. Develope the essential set of relational brain skill.
  2. Maintain right-hemispheric communication
  3. Follow the brain’s processing sequence for events and trauma resolution
  4. Build identity rather than stopping pain
  5. Stay relational in the Big Six Emotions
  6. Return to joy from Anger
  7. Return to joy from fear
  8. Return to joy from shame
  9. Return to joy from disgust
  10. Return to joy from hopeless despair

Michel Hendricks and Jim Wilder

Michel Hendricks,
(MDiv, Pastor & Missionary)

Michel Hendricks is a teacher, trainer, inventor and author. Drawing from the cross-section of the Bible and brain science, he helps churches and communities implement a relational discipleship that transforms. He is the director of consulting at Life Model Works and is the co-author with Dr. Jim Wilder of the book The Other Half of Church: Christian Community, Brain Science, and Overcoming Spiritual Stagnation. He is a graduate of The University of Colorado, Boulder and Denver Seminary.

Dr. Jim Wilder
(PhD, Clinical Psychology & M.A. Theology)

Dr. Jim Wilder is a Clinical Psychologist & Neurotheologian at Life Model Works, author, international speaker who develops ways to apply brain science and Christian practices that help all those who encounter the church to be drawn to and transformed into the character of Christ. He helps existing relational networks build joy, suffer well, love enemies and grow a mature community with the resilience to overcome trauma under the guidance of Christ’s Spirit.